Reed Draper
Vice President, Finance & Administration
- MBA, Vanderbilt University
- B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology
- Certified Project Management Professional
Vice President, Finance & Administration
Reed Draper is a Manager for Draper & Associates’ Analytical & Management Services Division where he provides program planning and management services, including resource requirements and organizational design, developing project schedules, developing budgets, systems development and integration, and process design, reengineering and implementation.
Mr. Draper has more than 10 years of program/project management experience including planning, developing and implementing major operations, organizational development and restructuring, technology systems development and integration and financial review. Since joining Draper & Associates, Mr. Draper has served as a Senior Consultant for the Firm’s Capital Projects and A&MS Division. In this role, he has developed and led project teams performing such varied tasks as project management, operational analysis and reengineering, organizational restructuring, budget development, systems development and integration and business process improvement.
Among recent engagements, Mr. Draper is serving as a key member of a team of consultants assisting the Office of the President of Auburn University in establishing an organization responsible for the functions of campus planning and space management. This engagement involves developing the strategic plan for the new office, developing and implementing the requisite organizational structure, developing policies and procedures, developing and implementing the communications strategy to include an office website, developing budgets, developing and implementing work process flows, defining business systems requirements and developing the guidelines and standards that define the operations of the office. In addition, Mr. Draper provides space management services to the office to include conducting space utilization studies, assistance in validating space request and producing a space development and capital development plans. The culmination of this engagement is a new office within the University that adheres to an efficient and effective process that maximizes the utilization of its current and future facilities to support the mission of the University.
Mr. Draper also served as a key member of the team conducting the reorganization and reengineering initiative for the Georgia Student Finance Commission. This engagement involved conducting an in-depth review of the structure and operations of the Commission to identify areas of opportunity to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the major functional areas of the Commission. Upon deliver of the review and findings, Mr. Draper led a team in developing a detailed implementation plan and schedule that would enable the team to successfully review all areas of the Commission over a twelve month period. Mr. Draper served as the team leader on multiple reengineering teams and facilitated the review, redesign and implementation of all major business processes in the Commission. The reengineering effort has culminated in a dramatic shift in the organizational structure of the Commission with staff more logically aligned in a functional-based structure. Additionally, quantitative analysis was performed on all processes to assist the Commission in developing optimal staffing levels. Throughout the reengineering initiative, Mr. Draper has been responsible for delivery of findings and communicating results to the Executive Management and Board of Directors of the Commission in addition to working with managers and line-level staff to implement the improvements. Currently, Mr. Draper is providing project management services to the Commission to ensure the efficient implementation of five major initiatives defined as priorities during the reengineering effort.
Prior to returning to Draper & Associates, Mr. Draper served in positions of increasing responsibility, culminating in his role with the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. In the role of Program Manager, Village Operations, he served as the designated trouble-shooter for a $1.2 billion organization by continually taking responsibility for major “Games critical” projects and serving as team leader on major cross-functional issues. Primary responsibilities included developing the business processes, operational plans, budgets, staffing plans, facilities and resources required to deliver major operations including arrivals/departures, transportation and opening/closing ceremonies.
Mr. Draper began his career with the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG) in Atlanta, GA. Serving as the Program Manager for the Atlanta Olympic Village Logistics department, primary responsibilities included developing all aspects of the Logistics operation including budgets, staffing, facilities and operational plans. In his Games Time role of Deputy Director, Savannah Olympic Village, Mr. Draper oversaw the development and operation of critical venue with a budget of $3 million and 400 staff.